With the app: add photos with sketches

Open or add  an observation in a field report or To-Do list:

  1. Tap "Take Photo" or "More" to add a picture.
  2. Choose an option to add the image.
  3. Tap "sketch" to add annotations or sketches to the photo.

  4. Add annotations or shapes, click on "save and exit".
  5. You can also add a caption to the photo via "Tap to add a comment". This text will be shown in small, below the photo in your report.
  6. Click on save.

Don't forget to sync!

With the online account

STEP 1. Add pictures.

  • Edit a report or To-Do list with your online account (PC)
  • Add a photo to an item. You can choose from 3 options:
    1. Import photos from your PC.
    2. Drag & Drop photos.
    3. Select project photos, these are photos you took on project level with the App on-site. You can read more about this here.

STEP 2. Sketch on photos

  1. Hover your cursor over the photo to see "annotate" appear, below the photo.
  2. Sketch on the photo.
  3. Click "save" to save your sketch.
  4. Click "back" to return to the report.

Questions? Support@archisnapper.com.